Saturday, February 26, 2011

Someone to watch over me....

I'm not gonna lie, I've skipped the last two weeks of Jenny Matlock's Saturday Centus because I had a case (a rather severe case) of Saturday Centus Writer's Block...and when you can't do a quality entry, well then maybe you shouldn't do one at I couldn't and I didn't.

Anyway, this week it didn't take me 17 hours to think of a contribution and so I went with it...

The post is a themed writing project challenge taken from Jenny Matlock over at off on my tangent.

Jenny says we can use UP to 100 words to tell a story.
It can be fact or fiction. Jenny posts a few words, a prompt that we work from.

As always the prompt is in bold italics.

The ATM machine began dispensing twenties which Zack quickly folded in half and stuck in his pocket.The money burned. Barely 6 weeks a rehab grad, Zack headed for an all too familiar neighborhood, seeking answers to his pain. At a red light a tap on his window brought him face to face with a toothless woman, pulling her life in a grocery cart. “Hungry” she mouthed to Zack. He dug in his pocket and surprised them both when he handed her all his money. “ I believe in angels” she said patting his hand. “Me too” said Zack making a u-turn and heading toward home.


  1. I absolutely love this! That's a lot of power in very few words...

  2. That was great! I liked that he did the right thing too!~Ames

  3. Fabulous job... I love the happy twist at the end too !

  4. Oh this is great stuff...and after reading this I can't imagine that you couldn't write anything's just about having fun...and it's so cool just to read everyone's take on the many turns and directions, and every time I jot down an answer it's like after I turned it in I come up with oh whyd didn't I do this.....just going with the's really fun isn't it!

  5. Beautiful tale and he choose a good way to reduce the pain...

  6. Wow, this was a really unique take on this. I guess his rehab must have done him some good, ha. Hopefully, he would remember this the next time. Good job.

  7. Two souls helped at once. Very nice post.

  8. What a sweet post! So full of hope!

  9. Love this, I think it's my favorite this week. You handled a sensitive subject beautifully. Kat

  10. This one is just great. Perfect and poignant.


    PS. I'm late with my Centus this week, but here it is:
    Sheethead by Sue

  11. oh, i loved this!!! and a feel for ya, i have had very spotty attendance of late ... yes that same block has had its grip on me.

  12. Great powerful message in such few words, nicely done!

  13. This is quite good!! Peace and blessings

  14. Beautifully done and such a wonderful message too! Thanks so much for sharing!

  15. Oh girl. You made me cry here. This is very close to home with the situation we have with our daughter. I hope she finds the angels, too.

    I used to have that seem feeling about writers block but now I just write anyway. I figure everything I write can't be amazing and it's the act of doing it every single day that gives me the discipline.

    Just a thought.

    This was definitely a quality entry, though.

    Your writing is really poignant.


Some bloggers write "gimme me some love".... as far as I'm concerned, I'd love some love, but I'd even take some hate, some expressions of your disgust, your outrage, mild irritation, sheer joy...whatever, I can take it, honestly I can. Just please (please) leave a comment or two and let me know what you think. Merci.