February 24th...
Two days ago we celebrated my sister Susan's birthday.
I made her 50 cupcakes in honor of her turning the big (FAT, REALLY OLD) 5-0.
She sent me home with about 36 of those deliciously frosted babies.
I've been eating about one an hour.
Yesterday I made a couple hundred sugar cookies.
I've been putting them on top of the cupcakes..(added fiber)
and chowing the pair.
I wish we could wear sweats to work...that may be all I can fit into this morning.
How is it that when you're dieting you don't feel a difference in the waistband of your bloomers for weeks, yet when you are pounding cupcakes topped with cookies the expansion of your waist and tightening (bordering on waist strangulation) of your pants is instantaneous..??
How is that...?
February 24th...
Time keeps on slippin' slippin' slippin' into the future...
here it is almost March and we are not making much progress on Googie and Trouble's wedding planning.
My other sister (the organized one) called and lit a large fire under my arse...
"This is you..." she said
(Image borrowed from Instigator Blog(dot)com)
"Your lack of movement is stressing your kid out".
Well, she didn't really say exactly THAT, but she implied it.
Upon further investigation...
Mick...I believe you may have a valid point.
Holy shit...it is ALREADY February 24th.
Time keeps on slippin' slippin' slippin' into the future.
(Googie, if you are reading this, RELAX Dahling..Aunt Mickey is all over it)!
(Praise God and Halleluiah !!!!!)
Oh yes, what in the WORLD would we do without Mickey. Probably nothing! lol. Every family should have one of her! :0)