Ever stand at a fence at a racetrack and watch a car whizz by... here it comes here it comes here it comes.......whooooooooooooosh....there it goes there it goes...then it's gone.
That was 2010.
What the frick...?
So in good times and all things (well most things anyway) pertaining to my children I want time to sloooooooow down, way down...
actually, I want to go back in time.
Back to a time when they were small and safe and all kinds of "grate on my nerves" annoying.
But then again, I love the people they have become, the emergence of the grown ups they will be.
Now about those bad horrible tortuous moments when we wish time would just hurry up and gather us up outta the pile of poo in which we have found ourselves to be wallowing in...
Yeah, I don't mind when time flies when I'm having that kind of fun...you too?
So I want to eat my cake and have it too.. (on a side note... I really love to say that and have people's brows furrow and a look come across their face like what the fu*k did that dumb ass just say...? Shouldn't that expression be"have my cake and eat it too"...? Well if you had your cake FIRST then you would have none left to eat..so it should be (and it is) eat your cake and have it too..., which is not possible, hence the phrase).
I was given a virtual gift this Christmas...the gift was to have a magic crystal ball to see into the future. My loveable's futures. The giver said her gift to me was for me to see the positive effect my loving would have on them.
Ohhh my goodness, that is one gift I won't be returning.
It's a flattering fit and just the right color.
I want to say thanks so much to the people that follow and read this blog.
And to those who joined my "coming out" party the other day I wish to thank you for the confirmation that I'm not only crazy, I do do do dooooo do doooo hooooo have an audience that bears witness.
I not only appreciate your readership and your comments, I thank you for not chewing me out publicly for my poor grammar, my typos, my cussing.
Which brings me to my New Year's resolutions...
forget it...
I hope you come back next year. This blog promises to have even MORE exciting awe inspiring jaw dropping earth shattering posts and valuable giveaways (psst, about those giveaways, it's a bait and switch).
Some Not All Who Wander Are Lost preview highlights of posts to come....
Finally, Daddio's clothing woes are over....
And he learns to make his own lunches (which he still bitches about)...
A peek into the Sweet Prince Buttercup's ohhhh so secretive life...
Some big love from (and for) the loveables....
Bear Gets a New Car (and other fictional diddies)...
Observe from a front row seat the author of this blog become totally unglued/unhinged/undone as she prepares to let her darling baby girl one Googie Mc(Allmylovin)BlueBird fly the coop....
What a good mom does with her new found closet space....(pooo pooo peee dooo)
Crabs...not all their cracked up to be....
Lets meet back here in a day or two...
Gracias por todo.... (thank you for everything...!!!)
besos, besos, besos (kiss, kiss, kiss...)
Beth Koby,
One very contented author of Not All Who Wander Are Lost (the blog you are reading)...
Over and out.
See you on the flip side.
Beth Koby,
One very contented author of Not All Who Wander Are Lost (the blog you are reading)...
Over and out.
See you on the flip side.