Monday, December 19, 2011

Gubmuh hab…… (read it backwards)

For the first time in years I'm not all bah-humbug-gy this Christmas season.

It feels wonderful..

even though,

I'm finding I don't have enough hours in a day to do the things I want to do... (like make shitloads of delicious cookies to delight and impress my family and friends).

I'm finding that I don't have enough money in the bank to do the things I want to do... (like giving strangers in Meijer gift cards as random acts of kindness).

I'm finding that I don't have the chops to be belting Oh Little Town of Bethlehem... (that matters not, I still do it).

I'd normally rather suffer through a root canal sans Novocain than decorate for Christmas, this year, the pain could be equated with putting your mini pad on adhesive side up...(which is pretty bad, but not nearly as bad as the dental surgery).

This year, I've not been such a sourpuss.

And it feels like a weight lifted.

The Sweet Prince Buttercup had a wonderful birthday (and I snuck a neck sniff while I gave him a birthday trim...yee-haw, I was so slick he never felt the need to throw an arm back to get me off him tee-hee)

Trouble and Googie stumbled upon a $50.00 bill in the grocery store parking lot and took it inside and gave it to the manager, leaving their contact info in case no one came back for it, while the three of us were out shopping later that evening the phone rang, a stranger thanking Trouble for his honesty. The money blew out of a card her young son had opened (a gift from his grandfather), they didn't notice and later discovered it missing, retraced their steps and were reunited with their loot... (now dat shit makes a mama proud)...

and while digging through a lifetime's accumulation of Christmas stuff a discovery of this nature (an 18 year old picture of Bear loving on Santa Clause)... makes all the work and stress worth every minute of all the work and stress....

He's holding his hand...awww

OMG... 6 days until Christmas, and only 5 of them are shopping days... I'm screwed.

(What are you doing reading this blog...don't you have some shopping to be doing too...?)

Thanks for visiting... ho ho ho

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