Thursday, September 15, 2011

Eat, drink and be merry (sitting RIGHT HERE, dammit) !!......

Making a seating chart isn't for the faint of heart...

With Googie and Trouble's wedding date closing in fast we've begun to do the last minute crap.

The dreaded seating chart was on the agenda for last evening.

I'd rather eat a dog turd smothered in tapeworms than make an organized seating charts for our guests.

Who in the hell am I to judge who should sit with whom...?

Where the best (dining) time will be had...??

Where the most awesome of social connections may occur....???

The whole concept is sick sick sick...

and really dumb.

When Googie mentioned that it was time to do the anxiety provoking seating chart I wanted to run to the closest corner, curl into the fetal position and suck my thumb...

Or poke out my eyes with a meat thermometer so I'd have a valid excuse to not help.

(she'd certainly go all Bridzilla on me if I messed up her chart with dripping blood..)

So while Googie sat trying to figure things out I stood near and pulled out my eyelashes and said at least 17 Hail Mary's (silently, of course, I'm not a total Loony Tune)

"It's like doing a puzzle mom" she said when I complimented her astounding accomplishment.

Daddio leaned in and took a look at the almost finished chart...

He put in his two cents and the pair of them studied the chart and made appropriate additions and subtractions...

Running out of eyelashes to pluck, I started on my brows...

Before long the seating chart was proclaimed "as done as its gonna get"....

Googie and her dad make a great team.

And I need a good eyebrow pencil and a set of false eyelashes.

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