Monday, June 18, 2012

Do I know how to pick em, or what...

I do brag endlessly...

about what a good guy I picked to procreate with.

Those created all made sure yesterday to let their ol man (Daddio, the man, the myth, the legend) know how good they had it, and continue to have it with him as their dad.

His best girl showered him with love (and some really soft and cozy lounge around shorts and a CD, which she kindly gave to me to give to him (I will reimburse you honey, I promise :)...a sappy card and of course she hugged him round the neck, nice and tight like only girl children can do.

In addition to all that nice stuff Daddio also received a separate card from Googie's Trouble claiming (in writing) that Daddio was the best father-in-law he ever had (smart azz..tee-hee).

For all the world to see Bear posted a pic of he and his "Pops" on Facebook... knowing full well he'd get lots of awwwww's when people saw it.

(and that he did)

The Sweet Prince Buttercup wrote in the card he gave his dad... "Thank you for turning me into a good man"....

Now that just about says it all, doesn't it.

Daddio, you and your love did all that.

Enjoy reaping what you've sown, you  more than earned every single "good job" and "thank you" you will ever get from our children.



  1. How sweet. Hope Daddio had a great Father's Day. Love your blogs, I look every day to see if you've posted one. Your fan, Needles2say

  2. Thank you for your readership, for your kind comment and MOST OF ALL FOR BEING A FAN... WOOOO HOOOOO, it is beyond wonderful to be "fan-ed"



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